It was an issue of some concern and debate for a passage of time but . . . The affairs of the world have shifted to a better light ! As much as I would dearly love to be speaking of any one of the numerous challenges to our planetary home at present I’m not. Until such a thing can come closer the following will have to do. Great to announce That the Shop at Rancho Milagrito
will be present this coming July 4th in Bisbee Arizona with an entry in the annual B.R.A.T.S. arts car parade!
This year presented an unusual array of challenges to the Rancho “M” teams ability to be in the running for the highly regarded event. Perhaps the greatest challenge was presented by the untimely loss of the teams transport vehicle itself. It can be said that the very fact that there is at this writing an existing Rancho “M” art car entry is a solid statement in respect to
the level of Rancho “M’s” commitment to the running of the B.R.A.T.S ! Included here dear reader you will find a grouping of images of a car that only 2 days ago did not exist any where on the planet other than in the thoughts of it’s creator.
The car “Creative Block” represents the very best in the recycling of a combination of card board boxes, and a rebirthed B.M.X. bike. Creative Block will be present at a public display ,
and celebratory happening on the the eve of the grand down hill parade of over 20 other art cars to be present on the “4th” ! The Rancho “M” team is proud as well to announce that by special arrangement Miss Katie Williamson will pilot the Creative “B” in the grand parade . Upon discloser of this fact many have been heard to say “Atta girl K. T.
Bisbee Rolling Arts Transport Society
B.R.A.T. S. and beyond What's it really all about.
The annual running of the BRATS art car parade which just completed it's 4th consecutive year in Bisbee Arizona has captured the imagination of a growing number of drivers and spectators a like . Why has such a wacky and off beat endeavor so quickly been embraced to the degree that it has ? Times are changing ,and in this evolution many of us are
arriving at a point of viewing our relationship with the automobile in a new light. What was once sold to us as our ticket to greater personal freedom has come under great scrutiny
where such ideas are concerned. For a growing number of planetary inhabitants the car powered by it's internal combustion engine it is now viewed in terms precisely the opposite .
As operational costs soar on all fronts for this symbol of our personal freedom it has at the very least become a tethering agent separating us from the possibility of true freedom.
Whether a tether,or a down right ball and chain ,the time when a serious modification of how we feel about,and interact with the automobile is now upon us. The BRATS have taken a
bold and initial step in this direction with their zany rolling vehicles that are more than simply a means to get from point A to point B. As a matter of fact they are much more about creativity and ingenuity than any thing else . They just happen to be of the ability to move you from point A> to point B. anyway.
The BRATS vehicles encourage us to suspend our entrenched ideas about just what the family sedan ought to be. As a matter of fact they entirely blow the doors off of any preconceived notion about that. And until you have been at the controls of a giant mouse or bratwurst sandwhich moving swiftly down the street as countless folk line the side walk cheering you on don't knock it. That family sedan could of course make the trip but not with nearly the accolades.
As to just how long any of us can continue to stay in this perpetual ante up game I could only guess will be measured by the depth of each players pockets. For all those who must
finally fold (and at some point that may well be 100% of us 99%ers) some creative thought in respect to the three or five now motionless hulks plugging our drive way may well be in order. Not unlike that fabled display of Cadillac fins that jut skyward over Texas way there may well be a wave of such activity all across this great nation ,no wait make that the world .
Bisbee Rolling Arts Transport Society
B.R.A.T. S. and beyond What's it really all about.
The annual running of the BRATS art car parade which just completed it's 4th consecutive year in Bisbee Arizona has captured the imagination of a growing number of drivers and spectators a like . Why has such a wacky and off beat endeavor so quickly been embraced to the degree that it has ? Times are changing ,and in this evolution many of us are
arriving at a point of viewing our relationship with the automobile in a new light. What was once sold to us as our ticket to greater personal freedom has come under great scrutiny
where such ideas are concerned. For a growing number of planetary inhabitants the car powered by it's internal combustion engine it is now viewed in terms precisely the opposite .
As operational costs soar on all fronts for this symbol of our personal freedom it has at the very least become a tethering agent separating us from the possibility of true freedom.
Whether a tether,or a down right ball and chain ,the time when a serious modification of how we feel about,and interact with the automobile is now upon us. The BRATS have taken a
bold and initial step in this direction with their zany rolling vehicles that are more than simply a means to get from point A to point B. As a matter of fact they are much more about creativity and ingenuity than any thing else . They just happen to be of the ability to move you from point A> to point B. anyway.
The BRATS vehicles encourage us to suspend our entrenched ideas about just what the family sedan ought to be. As a matter of fact they entirely blow the doors off of any preconceived notion about that. And until you have been at the controls of a giant mouse or bratwurst sandwhich moving swiftly down the street as countless folk line the side walk cheering you on don't knock it. That family sedan could of course make the trip but not with nearly the accolades.
As to just how long any of us can continue to stay in this perpetual ante up game I could only guess will be measured by the depth of each players pockets. For all those who must
finally fold (and at some point that may well be 100% of us 99%ers) some creative thought in respect to the three or five now motionless hulks plugging our drive way may well be in order. Not unlike that fabled display of Cadillac fins that jut skyward over Texas way there may well be a wave of such activity all across this great nation ,no wait make that the world .
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Two views of the BRAT mobile. |